quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2016

Paradox umbrella Graceli. descriptive typology.

Imagine an umbrella that opens and closes. And where each aste is a branch of points throughout each part of each aste. And we have in every aste a dimensional space, and each distance between the other astes dimensional space, and the space within the umbrella other three-dimensional space.

And that can make connections between points astes between ends thereof between the side astes and central aste where all are interconnected directly, or with the end which is outside the umbrella farm tip.

The edges are the links between the strands, where each aste point can be an edge, or even the entire aste, including the central part and the outside.

The strands are the points of astes, or may be all part of the same aste.

Here opens new perspectives for a matrix theory, isomorphism, graphs, groups and subgroups, graphs and sub graphs, rings and sub rings, bridges, set.

Where the strands become astes with dimensions and curvatures.

And where the paths can be anyone, including jumps on astes to access other thus forming new types of matrix, graphs, spreadsheets, assemblies and sub assemblies, and transcendent sets over time, and sheds placements , links, and paths, or even differential curvatures of each connection, or even the side astes. etc.

And even new possibilities for a commutative geometry. For what you have are infinitesimal in front astes system limited in dimensions. And since the astes the umbrella of the paradox have their curvature and their interconnections or not.

And while closing the umbrella space decreases, the edges and the sides closer together.
And the set becomes a transcendent set of a situation and type to another situation and kind as it closes or opens.

In matrix theory this is critical because portray all the possibilities that can pass between astes, edges, dimensions and space, including the jumps between astes, or even alternate values ​​and switching between them.

The same becomes part of set theory, and to geometries with gaps and holes during the alternations and jumps.

In infinitesimal opens new perspectives for the reasons cited above.

That is, where certain parts have infinitesimal at certain stages of a calculation where there relevant instant variations and is progressively increasing, or just appears and then disappears.

general unified Graceli.

Algebra with use of umbrella Graceli.

Imagine that each aste consists of an algebraic function, or even follow their own progression based on the infinitesimal progressimal system Graceli.

And that aste following points points to its end.

Or it may occur switching between values ​​comprised thereof.

Or even if it takes into account the curvature of each aste, and their relationships with the spaces between them.

Between two astes next to have the topological space of the cloth of the same.

But between two distant astes with one in the middle to have the space inside or outside the umbrella.
That is, you can make a system of graphs, matrix algebra, geometry, infinitesimal calculus and statistical same medial [see medial statistical calculation Graceli].

The paths, edges, geometric shapes, relationships and sub relations, open clusters and transcendent in time to open and close the umbrella, is the umbrella system is a general and unified system for all forms and types of math, including matrix, statistics, graphs, topology, graphs and sub graphs,

calculation of relations between edges, astes, and sheds, and several possibilities between the parties.
Theories Graceli of possibilities.

That is, a theory of infinite possibilities between the parties, and their alternations and their infinitesimal.

transcendent system.

That is, such a comprehensive system that is by its very essence a transcendent possibilities system. And that can vary from one to another, or even groups of parts astes, edges and or strands space between strands or even the whole space inside the guada umbrella or with its external part which includes the outer edge umbrella.

Or even the curvature of the cable.

dimensional geometric topological calculation Graceli.

It is a calculation that uses topological elements in the geometric dimensional production.

Strand a to b, c and d [n], x has a concavity and a convexity then y with dynamic oscillatory flow dimensional w.

Imagine the flow of a beating heart in rhythm variable flow WV1, and the other side hitting the variable flow WV2.

Imagine a balloon being filled where one party dilates more than the other.

That is, we have for each space between the strands its own geometry with its own values, variations and oscillatory flows.

Ie is also infinitesimal geometry. Besides being of regions spaces with dimensional variations of time and dynamics.

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